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    For hassle-free transactions, add estimates to work orders on your vendor portal. 

    Here’s how:

    1. Log in to the VendorPortal to access the Work Orders page.
    2. Click on a specific work order #.
    3. On the work order # page, click the Actions button and select Add Estimates from the dropdown. You can also go to Estimate tab and click Add Line Item.
    4. A dialog will appear so you can add your estimate, upload a file or add your estimate manually.
    5. Enter amount and estimate details.
    6. Upon clicking Save, the total estimated cost and its details will appear on the Estimate tab.
    7. You can add another estimate by following the above steps or remove it by clicking the Remove icon.


    • Filter New, Open, and Closed Work Orders.
    • Sort based on Work Order #, Created Date, Issue, Address, Schedule, or Work Order Status.


    Log in to Vendor Portal